Friday, July 25, 2008

a start

Makes me blush to start a blogsite when i don't know exactly what i want to share. It just seems like an ambitious proposition to make anything i write seem interesting to anybody. But who knows? I know I am interesting. I was inspired by some blogsites that i have been reading for sometime now. I guess i'll make this my official rant space so maybe i can avoid too much whining. Now that's another plan. Or maybe i'll like it and make something positive out of this.

We shall see.


  1. Cathy, what a waste =( You should have went to Harbin. If you ever go there try the dumplings, its delicious!! HAhahaha.....and I personally think that it is more scenic (go during the peak winter beginning/middle of december). Harbin is very famous for its ice sculptures!

  2. Stan, you're a fast one. Yes, I wanted the ice sculptures and the ice hotel - and don't start with those dumplings. i still want my svelte figure, thank you. that way, i can model for a fantastic photographer like you. LOL


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