Monday, November 10, 2008

for brokenhearted abbie

my dear dear friend abbie recently suffered a major heartbreak, and there are times when there is really not so much you can do for a friend. you can sit beside her and see her pour her tears out. but dear dear abbie is not one to talk much about how she is all broken into pieces, which isn't good. these are moments when you wished the earth with swallow you whole. you knew this happened to you. and you know how painful it gets.

this morning, i woke up with music gently playing nearby, and it dawned on me how real this song is. so i got up and promised to get abbie a copy of this song. i'll find her the cd after my classses later. it isn't much for a friendly gesture, but i just wanted her to know that she isn't alone in her trying moments. i love you, girlfriend!

corny as it may sound, this one is for you and to the next guy who will fall head over heels in love with you.

here are some lines from christian bautista's song called "the one who won my heart":

i swore i'd let nobody in
not that way again
i'd fix it so they wouldn't stand a chance.

but you lessened the distance
i think you knew what this could be
you never gave up
reachin' for me.

because you hold me up so high
gave yourself with no condition
because you guide me when i'm stumbling in the dark...

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