Wednesday, November 12, 2008

too bad for the mommy

i wonder what's gonna happen to mrs. rose flaminiano. it seems she's been collecting lawsuits from so many people.

i remember a few years ago when mrs. flaminiano was producing one sexually explicit B-movie after another. as in, those days, she was one of the steady exponent of starlets who bare their souls for dear mommy rose's movies. too bad for her that the SM group of cinemas have banned these movies, she had to shut down her flt films altogether. now she has to turn herself to other non-"bold" actors.

fast forward to 2008 - i sympathize with the plight of gabby concepcion, aster amoyo, ara mina, maui taylor,

mommy rose should consult cristy fermin who is a master at docking off estafa cases (and let's not forget libel cases too).

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