Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Love Happens - Low-brow Romance

Sometimes, all you require is a simple story to enjoy a movie. That's what Brandon Camp's "Love Happens" delivers. I've always though Aaron Eckhart was perfect as a romantic leading man. In this movie, he plays a grieving widower who is flying high as an inspirational guru-cum-novelist! Then he meets florist Eloise (Jenifer Aniston), a girl who is into weird english words and writing them behind canvas frames of hotels that her shop decorates. If a tad too predictable, the movie still entertains.

Here are 2 of those weird words:

* Sesquipedalianist - (noun) someone who is into long, polysyllabic words.

* Poppysmic - (noun) the smacking of lips. Romans used the original for a kind of lip-smacking and clucking noise

"I want it poppysmic," demands Eloise. Burke replies, "Sure, as long as you stop being a sesquipedalianist, honey."

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