Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Spy Next Bore

Larry waits for his sushi.

In "The Spy Next Door", nerdy and wrinkly Bo (Jacky Chan) needs the children's approval to marry his hot gf (Amber Valletta), but nothing he does seems to work. And by the way, Bo is a secret CIA agent. We were supposed to be impressed, but I had a brain lag! It dawned on me that I had been yawning throughout its first hour. My brain is filing grievances! I have seen this trite story several times before. Then just when I was about to start dozing off, the last 30 minutes perked up. As expected.

Gorgeous boy Lucas Till ("Hannah Montana") cameos as a baddie - a young Russian agent tasked to outwit and capture Bo and the kids! It seems surreal though to watch Lucas fight the Jacky Chan. Just wasn't right!

And dear dear Jacky starts to painfully sag all over!

Lucas Till offers a smile!

An angel sleeps - and morphs into a Russian spy!

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