Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mr. Marsden, Please - No Boxes, Thank You!

"Do you think I'm cute?" James Marsden asks.

Director Richard Kelly ("Donnie Darko") has done 5 films, but in "The Box" he gets marquee names to star in it - Cameron Diaz and James Marsden. The premise of the movie is intriguing: would you push a button that would kill an anonymous person while you get $1 million in return ?

This morality tale soon turns into a bizarre tale of horror filled with conspiracies, mysticism and the occult. The end product feels quite freaky and lopsided. It leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. Diaz and Marsden star as the couple who gets the mysterious box from the preternatural Frank Langella - with half of his face missing!

We love mind-benders, but this one gets our nerves for being too unfocused. Only James Marsden made this flick barely watchable; even Cameron Diaz seemed spaced out!

Twilight Zone of Confusion!

James Marsden as a young Versace model.

Actor Kirk Cameron met Marsden while the latter was on a Hawaiian holiday with his family. Then Marsden gets an invitation from Cameron to visit him in Hollywood. And the rest is history.

Run, James, run!

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