Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Avalon High is Beautiful Country

One of my guilty pleasures is watching teen flicks which, more often than not, carry hairline-thin plots and predictable stories containing a persevering protagonist who eventually turns triumphant in the end. Disney's "Avalon High" doesn't stray too far from its basic form, although they've peppered it around the legendary story of King Arthur and Camelot.

Having said this, it is important that you have to suspend disbelief before watching "Avalon High" for you to be able to traipse through its narrative without losing your mind. Avalon High, so it seems, has a specific classroom subject called - whaddayaknow - King Arthur & Camelot, where teachers assign kids to make book reports on Camelot's sports, Camelot's sewage system, food preparation in Camelot, and other mundane aspects of a fictitious kingdom. Wait a minute, weren't they aware Camelot wasn't even real? LOL

Toldya you have to suspend disbelief.

The plot revolves around the impending "reincarnation" of King Arthur, occurring during Solar Eclipse and a meteor shower. By which time, a common man - which turned out to be Will Wagner (Gregg Sulkin) - becomes King Arthur, and he shall save the world from damnation! Will is, if I forgot to tell you, a straight A student who is the quarterback, Class President and Homecoming King! As if that wasn't enough, he is gorgeous as hell - and wants to be President of America one day! Tall order huh?

Brittany Robertson plays Allie, the new kid in school, who shall take us through this teenage adventure. Alongside Allie is one of the cutest class nerd I've seen - Joey Pollari, who plays Miles, the "psychic" - who suffers these blitzkreig headaches that carry visions from the future (like how Allie should tie her shoelaces).

Despite a threadbare believability of the story (which was filmed in New Zealand), the screen is filled with some of the most beautiful kids ever to grace the small screen. That couldn't be bad, could it?

Avalon's jocks!

Allie and Miles

Lance (Lancelot) and Will (King Arthur) played by Christopher Tavarez and Gregg Sulkin, respectively.

Brittany Robertson is Allie.

Gregg Sulkin is Will Wagner. (above and below)

Joey Pollari is Miles (Merlin).

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