Friday, January 22, 2010

Fidel - Chronicles of a Fallen Man

For the first 45 minutes, we were subjected to an endless barrage of question-and-answer - "Did he kill the Arab?"; ""I killed him!" This sentiment was irritatingly repeated ad nauseam until I was almost tempted to throw my Coca Cola at the silver screen. Almost everyone in the movie was given his 10-minute spotlight to grieve for Fidel (Lance Raymundo) - the saint who couldn't swat a fly but who bludgeoned an Arab (Jon Hall) to death. Every written character contributed to an annoyingly amateurish work that once again underscored why the digital wave isn't such a good thing.

Of course we already know 10 minutes into the movie that Fidel was raped, but whatever urgency that this brings to the narrative is diluted by the over-the-hill performances and too many scenes that didn't deserve to be mounted on screen. As the movie comes to an end, what was meant as an explosive scene - where Von Arroyo goes ballistic from out of the blue - only highlighted the glaring hilarious excesses of a storyteller who's tentative of where his story was headed!

Heto pa: The morons (who represented the government) mouthed diplomatic jargons - and i was reduced to fits of laughter. Honey, the international community does NOT care about Filipinos in Dubai death row. CNN pa?

And if you haven't noticed, Fidel actually killed his Arab employer to avenge his "deflowering" - not as a means of self defense! He acted on impulse way after the alleged crime of "rape" was committed. In fact, he was already released from his "bondage" when he suddenly attacked his employer! THAT, my dear, is not just manslaughter but MURDER!

In Fidel's case, there is the intent to do injury, the willful disregard for life; a state of mind referred to as malice aforethought!

Fidel deserves to rot in jail because he placed the law into his own hands! The death of the Arab didn't happen during Fidel's struggle to defend himself!

Hay naku!

Wasted effort!

Singing himself to sleep - in prison.


  1. Thanks for watching! Cheers!

  2. P160 down the drain, that's for sure!

  3. tama proved your point na eh - OA na. The film you're trying to implicate with a lackluster review was pres-selected at this year's Berlinale and two more festivals abroad. For sure, the 2007 Cinemalaya committee didnt see the way you did when they included the script in the semi-finalist. and we are more proud to Filipinos in LA, not to mention, Mr Rob Schneider - who championed the film's cause and the lead actor's sensitive portrayal.

    - Boy Rosas

  4. Mr. Rosas,

    As if I care about what Mr. Schneider thinks. He didn't pay for my theater admission, did he? When I pay P160 to watch a movie, I am entitled to say what I feel about it. I will repeatedly huff and puff if I want to.

    It's consumer's rights 101 and has nothing to do with "Filipino Pride" because this Berlinale-mediocrity doesn't make me proud to be Filipino! If I were in the Berlin audience when it premiered. I'd have slid way-down my seat with embarrassment for having been barely associated with it.I call garbage garbage, regardless of the lofty ambitions and good intentions of its makers.

    "Tama na?" Honey, this is my blogsite if you haven't noticed. You don't impose on when I should stop because in this space, I call the shots, including giving you time and space for your idiocy! The buck stops here!

    People should champion causes where they deem its worth. My cause rests where I feel my money is worth its value. Ma singko pesos yun o limangdaan, IT IS MY MONEY AND IT WENT TO THE BASURAHAN WHEN I MADE THE MISTAKE OF WATCHING "Fidel".

    Now go to the market and buy a rotten egg; let's see if you enjoy spending for the rot!

    And hey, for starters, go check out one of the other reviews of this "masterpiece" - Either this reviewer plagiarized something here - or we actually agreed on the artistic merits of your Berlinale crap! Don't impose mediocrity on others. Go open a blogsite of your own and heap praises for this crap to high heavens, for all I care!

    Then go smell the roses, Mr. Rosas! ;->


Messages are welcome here. You can state your opinion in this space. BUT anonymous messages are unvalidated thoughts with no real owners who can stand up for them. And I have no compulsion to acknowledge such unavowed messages. They go straight to the trash bin.