Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tooth Fairy Revisited

Dwayne Johnson loves to make fun of himself. Just imagine a strapping 6'3" muscular hulk wearing pink tights with fluffy feathery wings and ruffled blouse - the image readily begs humor.

In "Tooth Fairy", Johnson succeeds in entertaining an audience that doesn't expect much from what's on view at the big screen. But his self deprecating humor transcends, and we are rewarded with an escapist's night at the movies. I half expected to hate it (just like "Chipmunks"), but its winsome set of characters eventually cast their spell on me: Julie Andrews, the much missed Ashley Judd, the hilarious Billy Crystal,

"Let me contemplate in peace," says Dwayne.

Chase Ellison as the EMO son Randy. Chase is a veteran of a lot of TV shows ("7th Heaven", "Boomtown", "The Young and the Restless", "Deadwood" and some movies like Julia Roberts' "Fireflies in the Garden").

Ryan Sheckler plays Dwayne's "hockey rival" wonderboy Mick Donnelly. In real life, Sheckler is a champion skater - with sports merchandise named after him to boot!

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