Tuesday, May 26, 2009
my next visit at my aunt's

Thursday, May 21, 2009
gabby's cameo inspires toni gonzaga to enunciate

Overheard several times last week at Entertainment Live.
This was in reference to Gabby Concepcion's swoon-worthy guest appearance in Sharon Cuneta's movie, "BFF". The lovely Toni Gonzaga effusively and repeatedly said:" There is a "ca-me-yo" (accent on the 2nd syllable). Did I really hear her say that in all its trisyllabic glory? Hmmm. Must have misheard it. But I heard it again while she was interviewing KC Concepcion (who vowed how much she "love Toni talaga").
What can you say about your dad's "ca-me-yo"? (mentioned twice during the segment)
...and I fell off my seat as I rolled through my kingdom of hilarity.
Class, all together now - "cah-m'yo"! Again, class, "cah-m'yo". Tintin and Glorybell, the accent is on the 1st syllable.
Asus, and the english proficient Bianca Gonzales can't even correct a dear friend!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
hayden kho and porn as a primetime entertainment
so... he sets these cam moments unknown to his lovers - a brazilian model, katrina halili and, the really shocking one is model/new actress maricar reyes who had a showy few weeks in "i love betty la fea" as armando's (john lloyd) former gf who succumbs into cancer!
i am no prude and i have seen some blue flicks but these trio of intimate moments put the porn flicks to shame! These are even more salacious, more vulgar than the x-rated who transcends lust through acting. this however is real, and the positions and the acts are even revealingly kinkier. who would have thought the ponds model has the makings of a really heated animal?
i cringe at the thought of myself getting caught in the heat of things with a bf then finding myself at the end of a video tape, heaving and moaning and contorting and blowing and groping. oh dear! now i am suddenly afraid of men! beware of the gwapos for they may be wolves in cute guy masks.
that the senator from cavite is calling him maniac is a bit of a farce. haven't we heard of his shenanigans as married guy? sure, he doesn't necessarily capture them on video, but what makes him less of a cad than those who videotape their deeds? or should we just easily subscribe to the fact that commiting a crime is fair game as long as you aren't caught - on tape?
now as to the legal repercussions. it would be hard to convict the perverted doctor since it is hard to prove that he actually uploaded those sex videos on file shares. why would he? he has more to lose than ms. halili. it is similar to a career suicide - for who would allow herself to be examined by a physician who videotapes women who get naked in front of him? that he will be stripped of his medical degree? based on a "law" thats dated 1959? videotaping oneself doing sexual things do not necessarily constitute a crime - NOT when it couldn't be proven that he actually intended to scandalize these 3 girls and himself! immorality is a gray zone. hayden kho is immoral coz he shags katrina? and katrina is not? you have to remember that this purported video happened at a time when every tom, dick and harry knew that hayden and vicky bello are an intimate pair. ms. halili knew that she was sleeping with another girl's bf. should we clear her of immorality coz she got caught on video - and awww what a pity? who is clean then?
Sure! Hayden Kho is the lowest form of a prick! A cad! A pervert! A maniac, says the senator! But what law did dr. kho break by filming himself without the consent of the ladies he's sharing his bed with? I am not sure there is a tangible law that will castigate him for his devious, perverted deed. The most that he will get is probably a censure, a suspension... but revocation of license? Yes, mr. senator, go make a law first - but please don't overrule the right of free information by censoring or policing internet use.
what lesson do we learn from such? as a girl, i am not sure. when we love, we trust and we give a huge part of ourselves, that includes the precepts of passion. and Dr. Hayden Kho, you are an abomination to the male species. you are what my father and what my brother and what my male friends and cousins and acquaintances shouldn't emulate.
shame on you.
Monday, May 18, 2009
national anthem and singing it as a showstopper
Some years ago, Christian Bautista was tasked to sing the song, and through all his correct notes, Bautista jumbled the lyrics into an embarassing mishmash. When another no-named lady singer - the relative of a former actor/then senator - was given the opportunity to do the same, she horrifically sang with all the flats and sharps as she peaked into the song! Kinatay ang Lupang Hinirang. I thought she was spweing, "Sulong mga kapatid!" These were horrible performances that placed our lyrically-rich anthem to shame. Yet all these historians seem to have forgiven them and charged them to human error. You are put to task to represent our anthem and you don't even memorize your lyrics enough? You don't even rehearse enough to get your notes right? Yet we hardly hear of threats of punishment from the politicians and historians.
Now, here is Martin Nievera. Voice strong and clear. As he was singing the anthem, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful our anthem is. He made me realize how proud I should be - for even in the confines of an anthem - we are a very rich nation of brilliant musicians and singers like Nievera. He was note perfect! He was loud and clear. And he made me wanna sing my anthem once again! How proud I was that people were listening to Martin. How proud I was that foreign ears actually stood back and listened - and appreciated our anthem. I don't think we have succeeded in getting that sort of attention from any of Pacman's anthem aingers before! NEVER! Until Martin Nievera...
So, please... lay off Martin Nievera. Though there were some tweakings at the end, he didn't mean to disrespect our anthem. In fact, he made me proud. Just remind him that sometimes, some things ought to be sung the way they should be, the way they ought to be.
And he didn't forget his lyrics. He didn't sing into flats and sharps. He made me proud, as Manny Pacquiao made me proud.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Sharon, BFF and Her Fans

Saturday, May 16, 2009
One Two Three Punch from Joel Lamangan

The movie itself could probably be divided in three parts - the light comic chapter, the dramatic segment peppered with sob stories, then the concluding action thriller-cum-pseudopolitical commentary, complete with guns and goons that's always seen in 98% of Joel Lamangan movies. As always, there are gun-toting matons riding a jeep, harassing people, kidnapping or mugging a character or two. This ouvre is also a glaring example of the limitations that even veteran performers like the aforementioned stars suffer in the hands of a mediocre script. Arevalo's supposed funny verbal tirades against Eddie Garcia kept falling flat. But it is heartening to see Ms. Romero churn out a charming, albeit spunky performance. She would have made Anita Linda's award-winning "Adora" a lot more engaging since we feel that most of the acclaim in the latter has been overrated. Bad bad me for bad mouthing veterans? Nah, just saying as I see it.
In Lamangan's oft-repeated cinematic imaginings, this is where we see bad politicos and corrupt police men who possess hordes of big burly men carrying guns, swatting poor denizens in their way. You guessed it too? Brilliant. Then you can predict the outcome of this story. These same burly contravidas were seemingly transplanted straight from "Fuschia" and even Lamangan's "Walang Kawala (No Way Out)" with Joseph Bitangcol and Polo Ravales. Only, this familiar reincarnation of metropolitan squalor has 3, no, 4 full frontal male genitalia swinging all over the celluloid canvas in wild abandon. Akala ko, anatomy class. Hahahaha.