Sometimes, even the most engrossing movies crumble when their basic premise is as preposterous as rewriting faith.
In "Legion", the Almighty God that we know has lost His faith on humanity. The first time this happened, He sent the floods. This time around, He sent angels and turned them executioners. Though the narrative made effective use of mood and the you-and-me-against-the-world syndrome (a group of strangers are trapped at a diner in the middle of the desert, fending for themselves against monsters), all of this is hobbled by the aforementioned pseudo-religious predicament that even involves a "child that will save the Earth" (who sent the child if God did not? - and who was the child supposed to be, the Second Christ?).
Paul Bettany (the rebellious Archangel Michael) makes for a believable angel-turned-human-turned-action star. His fight with Archangel Gabriel was edge-of-your-seat fun! But I left the theater deeply disturbed, "God lost His faith?" They must refer to another entity because the God that I know has boundless mercy, kindness and compassion. And if He wills to end humanity as we know it, why send ineffective zombies?
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